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Showing posts with the label Seaport Village

Coat wearing dogs and a lonely sailboat - New Years Day at the beach.

I’ve been stationed in a major San Francisco shopping mall for the past two weeks so I wanted to get as far away from the stores and crowd as much as possible. So I headed out to one of my favorite city places that still maintains it natural non- commercialized beauty - Ocean Beach. It’s not corrupted and inundated by Starbucks, major chain retail marketplaces and four star hotels. I’m proud to say it’s been immune to major retail development and influences. It’s not Malibu, Monterey Bay, Seaport Village (San Diego) or its half sister, Pier 39. Like the various districts (boroughs), Ocean Beach has its own vibe and subculture. The other reason I went to Ocean Beach is that it’s been awhile since I’ve jogged the trail that runs parallel to the main road Great Highway. I blame the cold snap that hit us in early December. 49 degrees was the highest temperature today. That's dam cold for us here but mild compared to the freezing temperatures that the east and the midwest have to endure